Fr. Geoff’s Blog
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God Led Me Into His Church: Part 2 — Peace in the Midst of War
Completing my military training In Sandhurst, I’d picked up the terrible habit of swearing: that’s what Army men did. But following my conversion, the next time I reflexively uttered the Lord’s name in vain: I was utterly shocked and realised what I’d done. That was the last time I took the Lord’s name in vain. I’d become very self-focused during the intense military training. Now I became much more aware of the others around me and my focus began to turn outward.
God Led Me Into His Church: Part 1 — My Conversion
Father Geoff relates a living history in a 6 part series to be published daily. He describes how God led him over a 50 year period into God’s Holy Church. Early life Ever since I can remember, I have had an awareness of God. Even if He has not always been at the centre of my life, He was always in the air I breathed. But although I’ve always attended church services, it took me a while to discover God’s Church.
Paschal Greeting from Metropolitan Basilios
Holy Pascha The Christian world celebrates the Glorious Resurrection Feast or Holy Pascha, the Feast of Feasts and Season of Seasons. The feast of crossing from death to Life and from hell to Paradise. The Resurrection Feast is the fundamental event in the life of the church because it is not only about the Resurrection of Christ, but the resurrection of every human being; projecting to the celebration of the Resurrection at every Sunday Liturgy.
Discover the Journey to Joy
The world presents happiness as the ultimate good, and the pursuit of happiness as the ultimate human right. Philosophers extol happiness as the greatest virtue, and a famous and powerful nation was founded to serve its attainment.1 Yet experience shows us that direct pursuit of happiness leaves an aftertaste of misery.
Come to “Timeless Wisdom” Melbourne’s Lenten Retreat
Timeless Wisdom: Orthodox Spirituality Today A Lenten Retreat—16th to 18th March 2018, Belgrave Heights Come join the English-speaking Orthodox parishes of Melbourne for a weekend of spiritual feasting. People will be flocking to experience the “Timeless Wisdom” of ancient Orthodox Spirituality in a thoroughly modern setting. But for those who cannot make it, remember that all weekend services will be served at The Good Shepherd Orthodox Church.
Finding Grace in Great Lent
Well, we’re approaching the end of the first week of Great Lent in 2018. God’s been good, very good to us. And the season of Great Lent is rewarding! Let me relate a little of what is happening in the parish and what God is doing in our lives. Beauty and Charity Just in time for Great Lent, our re-covered Gospel Book arrived. It was covered by an Orthodox monastery in Belarus, and it is a gorgeously beautiful covering.
Six adults baptised, received into the Orthodox Church
God is on the move. He is calling people from all backgrounds and walks of life into communion with His Church. And He is calling members of His Church to cooperate with Him in this saving activity (1 Corinthians 3:9). The Good Shepherd was witness to this Divine activity on the weekend before the Nativity. Six adult catechumens were baptised on the Friday and received into communion on Christmas Eve.